In the fall of 1990, property owners around Muskellunge Lake decided to organize in order to improve and maintain the lake environment. Necessary steps were taken to have Muskellunge Lake Association (MLA) recognized by the state of Wisconsin. In Spring ,1991 water testing began using kits purchased from UW-Stevens Point who also did the testing. As the testing continued on a regular basis, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) provided the test kits at no cost to the Association. In the winter of 1 992 the last of several freeze outs through the years occurred on the Lake killing much of the fish population. To prevent this from happening again, MLA decided to install an aerator to supply adequate oxygen levels to fish throughout the winter months. In the winter of 1994 the aerator was in place and operating. The operation and maintenance of the aerator is the responsibility of MLA. Members of MLA now put the aerator Into operation every winter when the lake ice reaches a depth of 12 inches. In the fall of 1948, the lake property owners received permission from the state of Wisconsin to construct, operate and maintain a dam at the outlet of the lake leading into Muskellunge Creek. The purpose of the dam is to maintain the lake at a specific level. In 1993, MLA completed repair work on the dam, Members frequently checked to make sure it is functioning properly.
In 1994 a plant survey was completed by the Wisconsin DNR at the request of MLA. Since this was the first such survey of the lake, it was used in future studies. In July, 1994 MLA circulated a petition to all property owners to rezone privately owned land around and adjacent to the lake from “All Purpose-General Business” to “Rl Single Family Residential”. County owned forestry land was exempted. In 1995, the Vilas County Board approved the rezoning. In 1995, MLA purchased it’s own testing equipment allowing for water sampling and testing time to be reduced from 21and 2/3 hours to 20 minutes. The unit allows for the water to be tested in freezing temperatures. In 1995, additional studies of the lake began. A macro-invertebrate study was completed as part of a research project sponsored by the Wisconsin Academy of Science.
In 2002, a three year the US Geological Survey studied the lake hydrology, water quality, and phosphorus loading. This was partially financed through a Wisconsin DNR grant awarded to MLA. In 2005, MLA was awarded another Wisconsin DNR grant to develop a comprehensive plan for treatment and management of the lake for the future. Two major activities resulted from the development of this plan. To prevent the introduction of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) into Muskellunge Lake, MLA partnered with other lakes in Cloverland Township of Vilas County to perform boat landing inspections during the 2006 boating season. This project was funded through an AIS Control Grant from the Wisconsin DNR awarded to the Cloverland Town Lakes Committee. This project will not be grant funded in 2007, but MLA will continue to inspect at its own boat landing. One concern of Muskellunge Lake residents through the years has been the excessive growth of natural occurring weeds which has stifled boating and recreational activities on the lake from August to the end of the summer. The lake management plan developed in 2005 has provided a basis for harvesting weeds. MLA members will donate monies to harvest weeds in July of 2007. The harvesting was to result in providing navigable lanes in all four bays to facilitate boating and fishing in the lanes and to provide access to property owner’s piers.
After many years of discussion regarding the need for MLA to apply for tax exempt status, the board approved the application.
2024 Lake Management Plan Update – The primary goals of the Muskellunge Lake Plan were reviewed with the membership at the 2024 annual meeting.
Muskellunge Lake Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) – Our journey in controlling EWM…a recap of our efforts
2023 Lake Management Plan Update Presentation – This is an presentation by Joe Pallardy of EOR our lake consultant that reports the status of our lake management plan. This report is a requirement of our surface water grant through the DNR. It is the final report for our grant process and will be submitted to the DNR.
2020 EWM Presentation – This is an presentation by Joe Pallardy of EOR our lake consultant. This was presented at the 2021 annual meeting. It identifies and shows action plans to deal with the EWM on the lake.
2017 EWM Presentation – This is an presentation by Joe Pallardy of EOR our lake consultant. This was presented at the 2017 annual meeting. It identifies and shows action plans to deal with the EWM on the lake.
An Essay About Muskellunge Lake Weeds – This is an essay by Jeff Rappold about his observations and learning about the lake weeds and the aging of Muskellunge Lake.
Muskellunge Lake Monitoring Procedure – This lake monitoring proceedure is specific to Muskellunge Lake. This document was developed and revised in June of 2010. This specifies responsibilities of lake residents and others in controlling Invasive Species in our lake environment.
Muskellunge Lake Data Final 2011 – This PDF download is the Final Report Pages specific to Muskellunge Lake from the 2009 – 2011 Onterra study done for the CLASS Cloverland area lakes. Further information from follows in other downloadable documents.
2005 Lake MGMT study – Blue Water Science
Overview done in 2005: Table of Contents,Chapters 1-3
Includes the basis of geology and geography and shoreline: Ch. 4.1 – Lake Statistics, Ch. 4.2 – Lake Statistics, and Ch. 5
Watershed assessment and stakeholder expectations: – Ch. 6.1 – Improvement Alternatives, Ch. 6.2 – Improvement Alternatives, Acknowledgements, Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3, and Appendix 4
Lake Sediment Depth – Lake Sediment – A graphic showing the depth of sediments in Muskellunge lake
Understanding Lake Data – Good background on Secchi, phosphorus, chlorophyll, and trophic state.
1994 Plant Survey – A 1994 listing of plant species.
1994 Culvert – Results of problem culvert on Muskellunge creek.
1983 Fecal Study – The results of a Fecal Coliform Study.
The dam on Muskellunge Lake has an old history of many who desire to change the lake level. Some want it higher, some lower. In the last several years many have commented that it seems low compared to historical water marks. Some felt that water was going around or under the dam. Some felt the concrete dam had settled.
In July 2024, Mark Fouts and Joe Hubers searched out and found several of the historical benchmark locations listed in prior records. They secured a laser transit and shot the elevations of the dam and the spillway. The surprise result was the dam and spillway are at the exact elevations as when the dam was built in 1993. So, the 2023 drought may have left unusually low levels, and the very rainy June of 2024 gave us some very high levels that take a few days to drain away.
Dam History – Collection of documents from the Wisconsin DNR
Dam Summary – From Wisconsin DNR
Dam Location – Plat map
2021 Photos – Photo 1 and Photo 2
Dam Benchmarks – Location of the benchmarks for the dam
Dam Memo (1993) – Note from 1993
John Kurhajec reported that we can always use volunteers to help CBCW inspection / education efforts at the boat launch. If you have an interest in becoming an inspector, contact John at 261-930-0368. John indicated we have not had a lot of volunteer activity. Few inspections have been conducted by residents recently. We need more participation. The supply chest is located behind the garage adjacent to the launch. It is a good way to spend a few hours helping the lake and perhaps meeting a few of your neighbors.It is required that anyone doing CBCW inspections is properly trained. This link provides good information on the CBCW process as well as a link to On-Line training. We hope you can help.
Keeping new invasive species from finding their way to muskellunge lake is a priority for all of us. Prevention is the key. A new sign has been erected by the MLA at the landing to help guide this process.
Some good background and the importance of CBCW efforts are linked here.